lunedì 26 luglio 2010

I was about to start a new comic to send someone. In fact I had the story and the first four pages (plus the storyboards for the following four ones). I was about to work on those pages when I felt that there was something wrong or, if not wrong, not quite right.
I stopped and promised myself to do a serious research on what would really make my characters and story feel more solid.
Meanwhile I found out with great joy that someone had resumed Kabu no Isaki's scanlation and that, along with a run into a micro zine I bought an year ago or so, made me start yet another comic. This one only for fun, i'll send it by regular mail to someone (still have to think who). Behold my 2x4 inches comic, with pages done exactly at the same size as the result!

venerdì 23 luglio 2010

Still drawing

Sketches done today

lunedì 19 luglio 2010

One Eye Preview

I've prepared a small preview of "between paper and tape". The collection containing "25th birthday" and "between paper and tape" will be named One Eyed stories
Ho preparato un'anteprima di "tra carta e pellicola". Il programma che conterrà la collezione comprendente questa storia e "25° compleanno" sarà chiamata One eyed stories. Non sono ancora sicuro di usare un titolo diverso per la localizzazione italiana

mercoledì 14 luglio 2010

When "never" arrives

I'm crossing fingers, after an odissey which i will not talk about i'm probably going to submit "Between paper and tape" to Apple this saturday morning. Which means that, if everything go smoothly (and someone said "it can't rain forever") in a coupla weeks you'll be able to purchase it on your mobile or semi-mobile device.
Let's take a look to numbers then:
-28 pages
-mainly b/w, but with a touch of color
-what else?
As soon as the comic will be released i'll make a preview somewhere, five or six pages to read freely.
Uhmm... what else can I say?


Sabato, se tutto va bene, finiremo il programma per leggere "tra carta e pellicola", quindi, dati i tempi di Apple, sarà in vendita in una o due settimane.
Qualche dato:
-28 pagine
-principalmente in b/w, ma c'è anche del colore no solo sulla copertina
Appena sarò sicuro che sia tutto in ordine preparerò da qualche parte delle pagine di anteprima da leggere.
Per ora incrociamo le dita.

martedì 6 luglio 2010

Things are still going crap

Lately troubles are raining like water, taking with them a certain amount of money.
I'm growing tired of doing so many different things and see not even one of them going well...
However, one way or another, i've been able to post 3 strips from my webcomic "the dinosaur and the red baloon", which seems to be the only good news.
I really don't know when you'll be able to read "Between paper and tape", with my actual luck it'll probably be "never", even thought the comic is 100% complete...

I leave you with a little doodle i've done tonight, and talking about luck: as you can see this is not a scan of the picture but a crappy photo, guess why? My laptop decided that today he wasn't going to work and it's the only pc able to support the only scanner avable now so yeah: crap.

giovedì 1 luglio 2010

ABOUT comics done for Zuda - Riguardo Zuda

Zuda has shut down. I really, really, really feel sad for that. For what i was able to understand it will became something like every other digital pubblication out there. Sad.
Secondary it also means that MY LINKS TO MY COMICS ON ZUDA WILL NOT BE WORKING until i found somewhere else to host them.
Seems like i'm a really lucky guy.
Zuda ha chiuso definitivamente. Ora come ora non me la sento di commentare ulteriormente la cosa, tuttavia devo avvertire che I MIEI LINK AI FUMETTI PUBBLICATI SU ZUDA NON SARANNO ATTIVI finchè non troverò qualche altro posto dove ospitarli

I've used a service called Carbon (I think) suggested by a friend to upload the Zuda comics. I still don't know if it'll be definitive or not, maybe I'll make a coupla sections on DeviantArt and leave all the things there.
Right now i'm too tired to decide.